THSCHUTT NewElysium2021 SHOT-OUTv1.16.5 Square1 2022-07-07 (4320x4320).jpg

A podcast for architecture and Minecraft, dedicated to saving Notre-Dame de Paris

Friends of Notre-Dame is a non-profit organization leading the international fundraising for the restoration. Donations via this link at will be made on our podcast’s behalf.

Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

11 – Virtual Wishlist

Hopes and dreams of a better Minecraft

Tom provides errata regarding the origin of the term “Gothic” architecture.

SEE: Gothic Art (Britannica)

Tom, Zack, and David discuss how recent features added to Minecraft have expanded building opportunities, particularly regarding how wall blocks operate in 1.16 and beyond.

SEE: Improved Walls in Minecraft (by Pixlriffs)

The gents also discuss the additional features that they would like to see in the game in the future.

SEE: Minecraft Timeline

SEE: Minecraft Java Version History

SEE: Minecraft Future Planned Versions

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Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

10 – The World’s Best Bourdon

A world tour of the top ten bourdon bells of great towers and cathedrals

Tom discusses campanology, the study of bells.

SEE: Campanology

SEE: Change ringing

SEE: Chime

SEE: Tolling

SEE: Peal

SEE: Carillon

SEE: Bourdon bells

Tom presents his ranked list of The World’s Top 10 Best Bourdon Bells.

SEE: The World’s Top 10 Best Bourdon Bells

Tom briefly discusses using recordings of bells for the podcast’s theme.

SEE: Doppler effect

SEE: Concert pitch (Treaty of Versailles, under 19th and 20th c. standards)

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Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

9 – Height & Light

Gothic origins at the Basilica of Saint Denis and more

David shares his challenges with handling expectations and when they are not met.

SEE: Hofstadter’s Law

Tom gives Zack and David homework, to watch his favorite documentary on cathedrals with renowned author and artist David Macaulay.

SEE: “Cathedral” with David Macaulay, 1986 PBS special

Tom has Zack and David partake in a short activity where they must sequence a sample of Romanesque and Gothic monuments in order by construction date.

SEE: Nave Elevations of France & England ACTIVITY

SEE: Nave Elevations of France & England CHART

Tom shares insights about the Basilica of Saint Denis with regard to the origin of Gothic architecture, proposed by historian and YouTuber Myles Zhang.

SEE: The Origins of Gothic Architecture at Saint-Denis, by Myles Zhang

The gents take a photographic tour of these Romanesque and Gothic churches that exemplify the slow evolution of Gothic architecture over centuries, in both France and England.

SEE: Gothic Lineage via Sample of Churches in France and England Images

Tom explains the different types of Rib Vaults in Gothic architecture—Sexpartite Vaults vs. Quadripartite Vaults.

SEE: Rib Vaults

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Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

8 – The School of Music

Compositional innovations for music at Notre-Dame

Zack offers a few corrections to information shared on stellar fusion which was discussed in podcast episode #7. Tom shares a few brief updates about finishing the exterior wall of the choir on the 2:1 scale Notre-Dame model. The gents briefly investigate the use of organs throughout Notre-Dame’s history.

SEE: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame – “God Help The Outcasts” [Minecraft Noteblocks] 

SEE: “Kyrie Eleison," from Becket (1964)

The gents discuss the contributions to music that were made by the Notre-Dame School of Music in the late 12th c. and early 13th c.

SEE: Notre-Dame School of Music

SEE: Notre Dame Cathedral: The Birthplace Of Music As We Know It Today

SEE: Early Organum

Here are three surviving pieces from the composer Perotin from the Notre-Dame School of Music during the early days of its construction. These versions are recorded by the MusicNetMaterials YouTube channel.

SEE: Perotin - Viderunt Omnes, Sheet Music + Audio

SEE: Perotin: Sederunt principes. Escuela de Notre Dame. Primera sección

SEE: Perotin: Sederunt Principes. Escuela de Notre Dame. Organum.

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Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

7 – Unorthodox Interlocutors

Musings on language and information theory

The gents discuss the possibility of re-sheathing Notre-Dame’s roof with lead.

SEE: FRANCE 24 (English) – Report that Notre-Dame Roof to be Re-sheathed in Lead

Tom discusses past roof-fires at other French Gothic cathedrals.

SEE: Chartres Cathedral Roof Fire of 1836

SEE: Reims Cathedral Roof Fire of 1914 (WWI)

SEE: Amiens Cathedral Present Day Unburnt Roof, built approx. 1300–1305

SEE: Amiens Cathedral Nave Roof Structure

Tom builds a gold/experience farm without building above the Nether roof ceiling.

SEE: Ilmango Gold/XP Farm (original version from patch 1.11–1.13)

David briefly discusses how to avoid being overwhelmed by extensively complex games.

SEE: Crusader Kings 3

Tom learns of a possible difference between cathedral “apses” and “hemicycles.”

SEE: Apses vs. Hemicycles Comparison

Zack challenges conventional wisdom over the most important functions of language.

SEE: Mathematical Synonyms, Antonyms, Homophones, and Heteronymns

SEE: Information Theory

SEE: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

6 – A Matter of Perspective

Comparing cathedral vantage points in-game and in-world

David discovers a newly proposed Lego Ideas build for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

SEE: Lego Ideas – Chitty Flies Again, by Norders 

SEE: Lego Ideas – UCS Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, by Norders (older version)

Tom, David, and Zack discuss playing other games for creativity’s sake vs. the prescribed survival multiplayer experience.

SEE: Eurogamer – Valheim Notre-Dame build

SEE: Steam – Oxygen Not Included

SEE: Sid Meier’s Civilization

SEE: Diablo 3

Tom discusses vantage points of different cathedrals as well as the effect scaling Minecraft builds has on different perspectives.

SEE: St. Paul’s Cathedral vs. Notre-Dame NEAR vs. FAR Vantage Points (+Enterprise-D)

SEE: U.S.S. Enterprise-D Shooting Models for Star Trek: The Next Generation

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Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

5 – Transient Walls

Modeling the first stage of Notre-Dame’s construction

David and Zack explore Tom's preliminary work on the new Avalon server build for the 2:1 scale model of Notre-Dame de Paris.

SEE: Minecraft Notre-Dame Phase 1.1 – Chevet Base Buttresses and Wall

SEE: Notre-Dame’s Groundplan – Original vs. Present-Day

SEE: Grian’s Demonstration of Block Palettes for Building Mega Bases

Tom shares news and insights from the panel discussion at the French Embassy on developments with the restoration at Notre-Dame, commemorating the two-year anniversary of the April 15 fire.

SEE: French Embassy Panel – Notre-Dame de Paris: Rebuilding a Legacy

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Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

4 – Layers of Soot

Scrutinizing the recent restoration at Chartres Cathedral

Off-topic, Tom groans about plot holes in children’s media while David and Zack briefly discuss stage musicals. Tom then recalls two trips to Chartres Cathedral, a French-gothic sister cathedral to Notre-Dame de Paris—the first trip in 2007 before restoration work was initiated and a second trip ten years later in 2017 after major restoration work was applied. The gents debate the merits and detriments of Chartres’ restoration and ponder possible ramifications that may also be relevant for Notre-Dame’s restoration.

SEE: Chartres Cathedral

SEE: Chartres Pre & Post-Restoration + Notre-Dame, St. Paul’s, and National Cathedral Images

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Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

3 – Cathedrals vs. Basilicas

Origins of church architecture and the categorization thereof

The gents discuss building snow forts back in the day and investigate the world record for the World’s Largest Snow Fort.

SEE: SnowCastle of Kemi

SEE: Dillon Ice Castles

Latest updates surrounding the Caves & Cliffs Update to Minecraft:

SEE: Minecraft Java Edition 1.17 Update

Tom explains the difference between cathedrals and basilicas, as well as their origins and derivations.

SEE: Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran

SEE: Comprehensive List of Cathedrals

SEE: Comprehensive List of Basilicas

Tom quizzes Zack and David upon significant vocabulary regarding cathedral groundplans.

SEE: Cathedral Groundplan Vocabulary

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Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

2 – Ship of Theseus

Evolution of Minecraft builds and restoration proposals

David and Zack explore Tom's early Notre-Dame Minecraft builds.

SEE: Tom’s “Ship of Theseus” Notre-Dame build

The gents discuss different restoration proposals for the Notre-Dame from over the past two years.

SEE: 8 Modern redesigns for Notre-Dame’s spire

SEE: 17 More redesigns for Notre-Dame’s spire

SEE: Miysis Studios’ redesign for Notre-Dame’s spire and roof

Tom rejoices that Notre-Dame will be restored to its pre-fire Viollet-le-Duc form while weighing the pros and cons of traditional building materials.

SEE: Notre-Dame to be rebuilt in its 19th c. form

SEE: French Oaks to be used for Notre-Dame’s spire

SEE: Carpenters build medieval wooden trusses for Notre-Dame’s new roof

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Thomas Schutt Thomas Schutt

1 – Saving Notre-Dame

Building Notre-Dame in Minecraft to support the post-fire restoration

Tom, David, and Zack discuss the April 15, 2019 fire at Notre-Dame de Paris which destroyed the wooden roof and spire, leaving the cathedral heavily damaged.  Tom explores modeling Notre-Dame in Minecraft, investigating details about the gothic edifice that make the cathedral surprisingly asymmetrical.

SEE: Notre-Dame Floor Plan & Elevation

Tom quizzes David and Zack on which famous monuments from around the globe receive the most tourists per year.  The selection of monuments for this activity includes the following.

SEE: Famous Monuments from Around the Globe

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