• 1 – Saving Notre-Dame

    1 – Saving Notre-Dame

    Tom, David, and Zack discuss the April 15, 2019 fire at Notre-Dame de Paris, as well as gothic architecture, and modeling the cathedral in Minecraft. Tom quizzes David and Zack on which famous monuments from around the globe receive the most tourists per year.

  • 2 – Ship of Theseus

    2 – Ship of Theseus

    David and Zack explore Tom's early Notre-Dame Minecraft builds and then discuss different restoration proposals for the cathedral.

  • Notre-Dame de Paris (1:1 scale)

    Notre-Dame de Paris (1:1 scale)

    THSchutt’s Minecraft cathedral, built slowly over the last decade, from 2011–2021—this video is of the 2020 version, which is only missing a few recent updates including the sacristie off of the south aisles of the choir and a few texturing enhancements.

  • The Pantheon (1:1 scale)

    The Pantheon (1:1 scale)

    THSchutt’s Minecraft Roman temple, built slowly over the last decade, from 2011–2021—this video is the latest version with the recently recalculated dome curvature and coffering.

  • The Colosseum (1:1 scale)

    The Colosseum (1:1 scale)

    THSchutt’s Minecraft Roman Flavian Amphitheater, built slowly over the last decade, from 2012–2021—I originally calculated all the curves, and I built a basic model of the layout. I returned to the model in 2020 to flesh out much more detail to bring it to life. And in 2021, I purposefully wrecked a copy of it so I could have a variant of the modern ruin in addition to the pristine version from Ancient Rome.

  • Amiens Cathedral (1:1 scale)

    Amiens Cathedral (1:1 scale)

    THSchutt’s Minecraft replica of Notre-Dame de Amiens, or more commonly referred to as Amiens Cathedral, built in the first half of 2022—this cathedral is considered by many to be the apex of French Gothic architecture, and this model highlights some of its most significant features such as the apse or hemicycle with its semi-circle of clerestory windows at the east end, as well as the very intricate passages throughout the western facade.

  • Salisbury Cathedral (1:1 scale)

    Salisbury Cathedral (1:1 scale)

    THSchutt’s Minecraft replica of Salisbury Cathedral, built in the first half of 2023—this cathedral is a quintessential example of English Gothic architecture, and this model highlights distinguishing characteristics such as its double transepts and central tower with the record-holding spire in England to date.