2 – Ship of Theseus

Evolution of Minecraft builds and restoration proposals

David and Zack explore Tom's early Notre-Dame Minecraft builds.

SEE: Tom’s “Ship of Theseus” Notre-Dame build

The gents discuss different restoration proposals for the Notre-Dame from over the past two years.

SEE: 8 Modern redesigns for Notre-Dame’s spire

SEE: 17 More redesigns for Notre-Dame’s spire

SEE: Miysis Studios’ redesign for Notre-Dame’s spire and roof

Tom rejoices that Notre-Dame will be restored to its pre-fire Viollet-le-Duc form while weighing the pros and cons of traditional building materials.

SEE: Notre-Dame to be rebuilt in its 19th c. form

SEE: French Oaks to be used for Notre-Dame’s spire

SEE: Carpenters build medieval wooden trusses for Notre-Dame’s new roof


3 – Cathedrals vs. Basilicas


1 – Saving Notre-Dame